Educational Wallpaper Ideas For A Kids Bedroom
Se volete creare un ambiente divertente e istruttivo per la cameretta o la stanza dei giochi dei vostri figli, una carta da parati educativa è lo sfondo ideale. E non preoccupatevi: non dovrete rinunciare allo stile per la sostanza, perché ogni carta da parati educativa è stata creata tenendo conto delle migliori tendenze dell'arredamento per bambini.
Explore a world filled with adventure
For the young adventurer, a kid’s world map mural is a great option. Full to the brim of colorful, cute critters, iconic landmarks, and intricate design details, these are an ever-popular choice when looking to incorporate educational wallpaper into a child’s room. With the Safari mural, your child will be surrounded by their favourite animals carefully positioned over their native landscape. In the Explorer mural, the animals are alongside fun images of famous landmarks from countries across the world. These murals are great for babies, due to their eye-catching colors and shapes, but are also perfect for toddlers and more curious, adventurous children, who enjoy searching for and identifying different characters across the educational wallpaper.
Make spelling fun with cartoons
If they’re at the age of learning the alphabet or spelling their name, encourage them to practice with murals that include cartoons alongside each letter. Alphabetical is filled with charming rainbow colors, easy-to-read letters, and cute illustrations that represent each letter. Top Marks is an animal wallpaper mural with a similar alphabet theme, featuring a variety of hand-drawn animals from alligators to zebras.

Scientific Chalkboard Effect Wallpaper Mural
Great for would-be scientists
A proposito di carta da parati a tema scientifico, il murale Laboratory, visto sopra, rappresenta una lavagna piena di esperimenti, equazioni e formule, perfetta per i bambini che hanno una mentalità matematica o che amano investigare. Il murale scientifico in bianco e nero è un'ottima idea se state cercando uno sfondo monocromatico per la camera dei vostri figli e, come si vede qui, funziona bene con i mobili in legno e la biancheria da letto a pois o a macchie.

Cartoon Blue Grid Paper World Map Wallpaper Mural
As seen above, there are a variety of ways an educational mural helps to a space that sparks ideas, imagination, and fun in your child’s bedroom. Our maps are consistently a popular choice as they offer an activity for parents and children, to explore our world and learn about wonders and wildlife.