7 Mexican Floral Wallpaper Designs Inspired By Frida Khalo
Flourishing with bright florals and powerful colours, this beautiful collection of Mexican style wallpaper has been inspired by the unique charm of Frida Kahlo’s art. Known for her use of vivid colour and honest portrayal of Mexican culture, the collection celebrates her signature style with mural designs perfect for transforming your space in an energised way.
An icon in the worlds of politics and feminism, Frida Kahlo has continued to inspire people for many years after her passing, not only with her ideals but with her Mexican art too. Her signature flowers represent flowers found on Mexican land, in bright, powerful colors, celebrating the wonders of life. This floral wallpaper collection aims to honour the life and work of Frida with a powerful self-portrait design to empower your space.
Chaque motif de la collection présente des couches de roses mexicaines qui reflètent le style des fleurs de papier cérémonielles et des huipils floraux brodés, reflétant ainsi la passion de Frida pour sa culture. Conçus avec des fonds de couleur frappante, ces papiers peints sont vraiment emblématiques et parfaits pour tout espace qui a besoin d'une touche de couleur.
Frida Kahlo was known to fill her home with Mexican folk art and bright colors, such as her yellow kitchen which was full of colorful ceramics. Let Frida’s use of bold, cheerful color in her fashion, interiors and art inspire a takeover of Mexicana style in your own home, carrying on the spirit of La Casa Azul.
Blue Frida Kahlo Flower Wallpaper Mural
Combiner des couleurs vives avec des meubles emblématiques est la manière la plus efficace d'utiliser ces motifs muraux, vous permettant d'obtenir une sensation maximaliste efficace . Nous avons conçu ces peintures murales merveilleusement colorées en collaboration avec Rose & Meubles Grey et Ercol, choisissant des meubles qui complètent l'ambiance exubérante des peintures murales sur le thème mexicain.