Modern Wallpaper
Choose from our great selection of modern wallpaper designs below. Any one of our contemporary wallpaper ideas are enough to bring your home into the 21st century. Unique and oozing with style, introduce a super modern interior accent wall into any room of the house with our selection of modern wallpaper. With bold colors and geometric designs, team with equally bold and statement furniture to finish off your overall contemporary interior look, perfect for bedrooms, living rooms and bathrooms.
Product Types
Wall murals and wallpaper are both effective for personalizing your space, each offering unique benefits. Wallpapers have smaller, repeating patterns, while wall murals often feature bigger, more eye-catching designs that command attention.
Wall Mural
A mural is a wall covering that's printed in panels. The panels piece together to create one large image or design, usually on just one wall. We custom-make our murals to fit your exact wall size.
Wall murals have different types of pattern repeats:
Fully repeatable: These murals boast a pattern that seamlessly repeats in both vertical and horizontal directions, providing a continuous and cohesive appearance on any surface.
Horizontally Repeatable: These murals feature a pattern that repeats horizontally, making them perfect for expansive or multiple walls. The design adapts to accommodate the wall's height.
Non-Repeatable: Designed to create a bold focal point, these murals feature a unique, non-repeating pattern. Ideal for a single accent wall, they often showcase designs such as photographs.
Also known as repeat pattern wallpaper, or as traditional wallpaper to some. This is a repeated design that comes printed in rolls. The number of rolls you need is determined by the size of the wall you're covering and our roll calculator helps you determine how many you'll need based on your wall dimensions.