6 Misty Forest Wallpapers To Create A Moody Ambience
Es gibt einen Grund, warum Tapeten mit nebligen Wäldern immer beliebter werden, wenn man eine bestimmte Atmosphäre schaffen möchte. Die inspirierende Szenerie weckt ein Gefühl von Erkundung und Abenteuer, während die satten, natürlichen Farbtöne der Landschaft und die Größe der Bäume Ihrem Raum Höhe und Tiefe verleihen und ihn größer erscheinen lassen. Diese besonderen Waldtapeten haben die zusätzliche Mystik eines einhüllenden Nebels, der nicht nur atmosphärisch ist, sondern auch einen weiteren, neutraleren Farbakzent setzt, der das Styling einer wunderschönen Waldtapete super umsetzbar macht. Lesen Sie weiter, um herauszufinden, wie Sie eine Tapete mit nebligen Wäldern in Ihr Zuhause integrieren und die ultimative stimmungsvolle Atmosphäre schaffen können.
If you’re looking to add a centerpiece to an otherwise neutral bedroom, the Sea of Trees or Silkwood mural may be for you. The misty forests in these specific forest wallpaper murals have deep blue and green tones that add to the moody vibe and also work as accent colors when selecting accessories and furnishings to match. The way the forests have been photographed has been carefully considered; with Sea of Trees giving the sense of height from the slender, tall tree trunks reaching up to a canopy above, and the Silkwood misty forest mural highlighting how a horizontal color gradient makes a room feel wider.
Another moody wallpaper option is the Through the Clouds mural. This misty landscape wallpaper has a clever smokey ombre effect, with a warmer, sandy brown mist descending from the top of the mural, and the darker, deeper blues cushioning the base of the wall. The combination of colors within this mural makes it a good option for creating a Scandi sanctuary or modern space as seen here. The Climb mural has a similar ombre effect, but with a fresher, whiter mist and deeper greens in the trees, making this mural more suitable for people looking for a more realistic forest scene. Styled above in a Scandi nursery, this scene is versatile and works well with wooden furniture and softer furnishings. In both murals, the line of the canopy gives a room height as it moves up diagonally from one corner to the other.
The styling of the Misty Valley and Kaen Krachan murals in the bathroom and bedroom above further highlights the flexibility of working a misty forest wallpaper into your decor. The scenery within these murals works at bringing depth to a space, as there are trees layered from the foreground back towards the horizon. A little less moody than earlier options, the two murals above have a freshness you can almost taste and bring a lush green pop of color to your feature wall. In both rooms, you’ll spot wooden and brass elements and white furnishings, all of which are extremely complementary when layered with your misty tree wallpaper. Forest murals and forest wallpaper are always a strong choice for creating a moody ambience in your home, regardless of the room or the room size. So bring your sense of adventure to your space with a misty forest mural.